Indonesia climate change trust fund

Bersama Kita Atasi Perubahan Iklim Indonesia

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) is a National Trust Fund that served as funding instrument for the Government of Indonesia to support 31,89% emission reduction target by national effort and up to 43,20% with international support in 2030.

Indonesia climate change trust fund

Our Projects

Showcasing a Decade of Innovation and Commitment to a Sustainable Future

Land Based Mitigation

The land-based mitigationwindow aims to reduce GHG emissions through financial support for reforestation, rehabilitation and restoration of degraded land into community forests, agroforestry, or energy gardens, low-emission peatland management and sustainable management of conservation areas.

Adaptation & Resilience

The adaptation and resilience window aims to prepare national and sub-national institutions and vulnerable communities for the impacts of climate change through support for policy development, dissemination of climate information, development and improvement of adaptation strategy design, and appropriate use of technology and knowledge.


The energy window aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the use of low-carbon energy technologies, the utilization and development of renewable energy, and energy conservation and efficiency.

Marine Based

The marine window aims to improve the sustainable utilization of marine resources and conservation of biodiversity in coastal areas, including coral reef and blue carbon ecosystems such as mangroves and seagrasses.

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The Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund is a non-profit organization as defined by Indonesia rules and regulations.

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund
Lippo Kuningan 15th Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.B-12, Jakarta 12940, Indonesia.
Phone: (+62 21) 80679386 (Hunting)
Fax : (+62 21) 80679387

(62 21) 80679386

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Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund