- Deputy Minister for Development Funding, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas
- Head of Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance
- Deputy Minister for Macroeconomic and Finance Coordination, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Deputy Minister for Health Improvement Coordination, Coordination Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs
- Representative of Civil Society Organization, Executive Director of Institute for Essential Service Reform (IESR)
The Board of Trustees (Majelis Wali Amanah / MWA) is the ICCTF’s governing body. The Board formulates principles and policies to govern the ICCTF’s activities and operations, approves the work programmes, adopts the budget, reviews the structure and composition of staffing and performs other statutory functions, including considering the methods of financing the Institute with a view to ensuring the effectiveness of its future operations.
The Board meets in regular session at least once a year. Sessions are traditionally held in private meetings amongs the trustees, Donors, specialized agencies and institutes.
- Representative of Private Sector, Vice Chairwoman for The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KADIN)
- Representative of Academics, Chariman of Research Center for Climate Change University of Indonesia (RCCC UI)
- Ambassador of Charge d’affaires Royal Danish Embassy
- Head of UK Climate Change Unit
- Counsellor and Head of Development Cooperation German Embassy
- Director of the Environment Office USAID