Update from Marrakech: Indonesia Masih Berkomitmen Turunkan Emisi 29 Persen
Indonesia termasuk negara yang masih berkomitmen dalam upaya penurunan emisi karbon sesuai dengan perjanjian di konfrensi perubahan iklim (COP21) di Perancis tahun lalu. Pada COP22 di Marrakech, komitmen itu masih tetap dijalankan dan kemajuannya sudah mulai terlihat. Itulah yang disampaikan Direktur Lingkungan Hidup, Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, Bappenas, Medrilzam saat […]
Workshop Pembekalan Manajemen Proyek
Pada tanggal 6-9 April 2016, Sekretariat ICCTF menyelenggarakan “Workshop Pembekalan Manajemen Proyek” yang berlangsung di Hotel Aryaduta, Jakarta. Acara workshop dibuka oleh Ibu Wahyuningsih Darajati, Direktur Lingkungan Hidup Kementerian PPN/Bappenas selaku Sekretaris Majelis Wali Amanat (MWA) ICCTF. Workshop yang berlangsung selama 4 (empat) hari tersebut mempunyai tujuan sebagai berikut: Memperoleh […]
ICCTF Participated in UI Youth Climate Day 2016
On 26-27 February 2016, Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) participated in UI Youth Climate Day 2016 held by GreAction Indonesia at University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java. Opened by Prof. Emil Salim (Professor of Economics at University of Indonesia) and Dr. Nur Masripatin (Director General for Climate Change at […]
ICCTF Comparative Study Enriching Knowledge On Processing Used Cooking Oil
The ICCTF secretariat team, together with the representatives from Directorate of Environment of Bappeans, RAN-GRK and GIZ visited Yayasan Lengis Hijau (YLH) in Bali to learn the process of turning used cooking oil into biodiesel. YLI, located in Bali, has been running this used cooking oil into biodiesel program with […]
ICCTF visits its energy mapping software project in Surakarta
In furtherance of the energy saving programme in Surakarta, the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) and Politeknik ATMI Surakarta are now developing the Street Lighting Information (SLI) in potential Karanganyar tourism area in which up until now has no proper street lighting. ICCTF went for a site visit to […]
ICCTF 2015 Board of Trustees Meeting
The annual ICCTF Board of Trustees Meeting was held at the Ministry of National Development Planning on 19 June 2015. On this occasion, ICCTF and USAID signed a grant agreement to award 5 million USD to the government of Indonesia to show the United States of America’s support of Indonesia’s […]
Beginilah Cara Kelompok Tani Jasema Kelola Hutan
Pohon jati dan mahoni setinggi belasan meter tumbuh subur. Daun lebat. Masing-masing bertinta merah. Bagian bawah pohon, tampak singkong, melinjo, kunyit dan palawija lain. Inilah pemandangan dihutan tanaman rakyat di Pedukuhan Pancuran, Desa Terong, Kecamatan Dlingo, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Tampak,Sugiran mengenakan batik lengan panjang putih. Kulit sawo matang dan berkumis tebal. […]
ICCTF Project in Desa Terong, Bantul
When the area of community forest in Java started to decrease, ICCTF and Aliansi Relawan untuk Penyelamatan Alam (ARUPA) decided to start a project to safe more area for community forest. ARUPA established this microfinancing institution for a delayed logging project in 2014. By doing this, the community learned how […]